
Showing posts from November, 2018

Quarter-Life Crisis

25 has been an incredibly weird age for me. It really has been. When I turned 25, I realized I'd been living with my parents for more than a year at that point. I took off of work so that I could spend time with myself, but maybe even my family. My birthday was on a Thursday, and it led to me sitting at home by myself with my parents, we went out to eat real quick, and that was it. There wasn't anyone "special" I got a happy birthday from, other than my family, of course, but there honestly hasn't really ever been. I feel like I'm behind. Someone would probably insert one of those inspirational quotes right now about how "God has a plan for you," but I feel like God's plan for me right now is for me to be a nun. Take a vow of silence, and blog my life instead, like that nun on Shameless. I'm sure God would like that, in some version. Instead of me crying out for anything, any sign of redemption of my life, only to be disappointed. To be h

What hurts the most....

I've been a lot in my feelings here lately, which Drake casually is all the time and everyone thinks it's funny, but when I'm in my feelings, I'm labeled a dramatic bitch. Anyway. This is literally just going be a blog about me venting my feelings because I'm upset as shit. I'll probably be crying by the end of this, too, it's fine. Let's go with our first situation. I've been really into Lauv here lately. Probably because a majority of the songs are incredibly relatable. The one that hit me the deepest was Never Not. "There's a room in my heart with the memories we made. Took 'em down, but they're still in their frames. There's no way I could ever forget.  For as long as I live, and as long as I love, I will never not think about you. No matter what ever I'll do, I will never not think about you.....didn't we have fun, looking back." I think we can all relate to that song at some point in our lives. It's s

Fresh Start

So.... I figured I'd start a new blog, because a lot has changed in my life since the last time I've blogged. I honestly can't even remember what the last thing I blogged was, because it's been so long and my life the past 3 years has been really shifty and all over the place. SO let's start with where I was 3 years ago in life. Flashback to November 2015. I was nervous, as I was getting ready to graduate in December, and I felt like I didn't live my college career as I should've. I started going to house parties with my boyfriend at the time, and realized that I missed out on a lot because I was spending time with him instead of spending time with individuals in my cohort along with my friends.  I realized, also, that I was falling out of love with him, but was unsure how to say it. I was doing an internship that was required as part of my schooling, and I really enjoyed it, but for some reason, I was still in my shell. I was nervous about opening mys