
Showing posts from January, 2020

January 6, 2020.

A lot has happened since the last time I've written anything on here. Last I wrote, I had just moved in with Matt and his brother, and my cats were so over the moon. In that time span, Matt and I bought a house, and all of our kitties love it so much. It's so heartwarming to know that they're so happy, and I'm unsure where I'd be without him, and them. I still feel like something is not right with me mentally. There are times where I feel like I just want to cry, and like it's okay for me to just sob uncontrollably about I don't even know what. I get really annoyed and a jealous feeling when I see that Matt and his ex-girlfriend are still friends. She is in no way part of his life, but I still feel like she has some sort of control over him. She'll watch my Instagram stories, regardless of what they're about, and she doesn't even follow me. So I know for a fact that she's checking in/up on his life. Who knows if they even talk to each other...