August 24, 2019.

It's been nearly a full year since I've written anything on this blog, even though I titled it "adulting" I was far from actually adulting.

I accepted a job at a place that I shouldn't have at the end of 2018. It was something that I did because I wanted to get out of the current position that I was in, and I just wanted any way out of it, ASAP. It only caused me stress and heartache, and I feel like I have to constantly update everything on here LOL.

I was keeping a paper journal for awhile, but that's when I was at my parent's house, and the only person that ever walked into my bedroom was me. Maybe someday I'll end up putting them somewhere else from what I wrote on those papers, but we'll see.

It does help, more mentally, to be able to write my feelings and what is currently on my mind. Which I don't feel like I'm able to get out in other ways, because I'm not the best with my words typically. Anyway...

I officially (but not officially?) "moved in" with someone for the first time in over two years. Which is insane for me. Absolutely insane. We've been looking at houses, but honestly I'm just ultimately thinking that we aren't going to find something in the allotted 90 days, and we'll have to go another route in getting a house, in at least a timely manner. Which is going to suck. Not that where we are sucks, because it doesn't, but there isn't a whole lot of space as they basically moved in just on top of everything else that was in this house. I don't know about you, but I have a lot of shit. Not all of my shit could fit in this house anyway, even if it was empty from the get-go. His brother also lives here, so that's an extra.

I brought my two cats here yesterday. My precious little babies just want to be friends with his cats, but they definitely aren't having it. I think one of them is more warming up to it than previously, but we'll see what happens. I just want everything to be okay. Want to find a decent (hopefully USDA) house in a decent area, and I will be ultimately happy.

